In Japan

Classical music and especially piano music is highly appreciated in Japan. One can see this just by looking at the numbers of listeners in the concert hall. This video (click here) was recorded during my performance at the Hamamatsu International Piano Competition.

Final chord of Franz Liszt’s ”Mazeppa” in ActCity Hamamatsu.

At home

In Austria’s so-called “Green Heart” it is always something special to give a concert. Additionally, the Castle of Stubenberg provides a wonderful atmosphere for a calm musical evening on Sunday, 19 August at 6p.m. Special guest is the Norwegian violinist Laurens Weinhold, as we will perform Schubert’s dreamlike Fantasy in C major among others.

More information here:

Flyer ->
Program ->

Master of Arts

After the intense final exam with three parts at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz, I am proud to be officially called “Master of Arts” (MA) with distinction.
My special thanks goes to all my close friends and family and my mentor Markus Schirmer.

Graduates of the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz 2018
© KUG/Wenzel

Special Announcement!

With incredibly great honour I would like to announce, that as one out of only 10 semifinalists in the “Honens International Piano Competition 2018” I will travel to Calgary/Canada. The competition is among the world’s most important piano competitions, but is special with its exceptional repertoire requirements, which makes the “Honens” one of a kind. Please find more information here.

Honens 2018 Introduction Philipp Scheucher

Announcement!I am so happy and honoured to be one of 10 proud Semifinalists in the Honens International Piano Competition 2018!Congratulations to the other 9 – spread the music all over the world!

Gepostet von Philipp Scheucher am Dienstag, 8. Mai 2018

A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Opera House Graz

In the marvellous opera house of Graz wonderful music will sound to the ballet production “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” of director Jörg Weinöhl after the eponymic comedy by William Shakespeare. In cooperation with the Graz Philarmonic Orchestra under the baton of Robin Engelen I will perform music by Mozart (piano concerto No. 23 in A major) as well as music by Franz Schubert (“Die Götter Griechenlands”) together with singer Andrea Purtić.

Please find more details and dates of performances here.

“Returning” to Germany

After my success at the “Pianale 2017” with four awards overall I will return to Germany with two solo recitals on March 3rd and 4th.

It will be exciting with Schubert’s Sonata in G major, which is described  by Robert Schumann as the  “most perfect in form and conception” of any Schubert Sonata. Exactly Schumann also was the dedicatee of Franz Liszt’s Sonata in B minor, with its concluding chords I would like to come to a calm end of the recital.